Wednesday, April 15, 2009

what the freak. i hate snow.

haha, you got served! :) just kidding. these poor peach blossoms are getting slaughtered. :(
and dang it, I like our peaches!!
aaaaand our russian cherry is looking pretty and sad at the same time. its like the buds just popped out saying "YAY! its spring! now we can grow and make fruit and be beautiful !! and.... oh fetch.... snow..." and then they die. *death*

wow. what the heck is up with utah weather?! honestly! it friggin spring. keep it like that. none of this winter crap! anyways... while my camera is being repaired, i hijacked my moms CANON G9, which, i must admit, is a wicked awesome little camera. even if it is a point and shoot. :) it has some of the best quality ive ever seen in a camera like that. ill have to steal it more often! its portable! :) but it can never replace my SLR.... :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

oh my dear! its raining!

The two water bottles of amazingness that sit next to me in my office. :) i get well hydrated after about two hours, needless to say! :)
a beautiful Tulip? in my front yard. itll probably get frozen and die with this weather...
blossoms on our russian cherry tree. its too bad it wasn't a little brighter! these baby's glow when it gets light out! :)

so, a rainy Thursday to say the least. luckilly i brought my handy dandy UMBRELLA! *triumphent Trumpet* so i was quite the dandy at school today with my lime green umbrella! i felt very gentleMANLY :) oh, and guess what happened? my camera broke. apparently the software installed had a bug, and now my camera won't take pictures unless its on auto! :( so i'm sending it back, and they'll fix it for free. :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

woot diggity dawg!

so, explination for this vid. the fluid that you see is NOT computer generated. think of it as liquid iron (which it essentially is) that has been subjected to a magnetic field. cool, no? :)

these two musicish videos are just good music edited in the flippin coolest form possible. enjoy!

hahaha so, its time for a post, no? well, because I'm special, and not good about carrying around my handy dandy camera, ill put up a couple of youtube videos that are rediculously amazing. cheers!