Tuesday, June 9, 2009


mountains ahoy!

rain rain, come today

Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic and so am I. ;)

So, with the school year being over and all, you think I would post more pictures, right? nah. I'm too lazy. :) in honor of the rain however, I diligently went out side with my NEW TRIPOD that I got for graduation! (thanks again to my adopted family, I loveth them) :) and I used it to get this shot of a rose. :) nothing special really, but i like the shot. maybe I should name the rose?.... hmmm.... anyways, I hope to get a panorama I shot up here in a bit, so hopefully it'll turn out good. :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Ending of the month

A pelican I saw in fish springs wild life preserves, near dugway geode beds! :)
if this isnt a god forsaken land, i dont know what is... on our way out to the geodes
a HUGE butterfly that mobbed me while i was hiking in the mountains
fly stanley, be free!!! ;) (ten awesome points if you can name the movie)
i dunno what type of flowers these are, but i dub them "sun spike balls" :)
I think that magpies have it right. the shinier the better. ;)
hmmm.... i wonder why they moved up to a different room...... ;)

wow, so an eventful two weeks! okay, not really, im pretty boring, but i did get some cool photos for y'all. as a short summery, ive just been going to work and school, and i started a math class that starts at 7 in the morning, and i went to dugway geode beds this weekend... pretty desolate out there. so nothin too exciting. :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

once upon a sunny day... :)

Bird house and the Antenna
Trevor's Hair
In and Out Burger Oaisis
Ayn is the Gorgeous one here. :)
And she's the Gorgeous one here, too. :)
Corvette Stingray Curves
Tulip alone
A flower in Ayn's hair :)

So, so much has happened these last couple weeks, and I haven't been able to really get any pictures to my blog. I did take some though! :) the sun finally poked his head out and he stuck out his warming arms all around us finally. :) some amazing things happen in the sun!! like PROM for instance. :) prom was really great, and I thank all those who helped me, like Sister smith, my mom, my aunt, Chad, Josh, and other friends i forget to mention. :) and, most importantly, I thank Ayn, my date, for being such a fun person, a great dancer, and a wonderful person to be with in general! so thanks! :) after prom, everything is kinda boring, but i tried to get some good photos for ya! :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

what the freak. i hate snow.

haha, you got served! :) just kidding. these poor peach blossoms are getting slaughtered. :(
and dang it, I like our peaches!!
aaaaand our russian cherry is looking pretty and sad at the same time. its like the buds just popped out saying "YAY! its spring! now we can grow and make fruit and be beautiful !! and.... oh fetch.... snow..." and then they die. *death*

wow. what the heck is up with utah weather?! honestly! it friggin spring. keep it like that. none of this winter crap! anyways... while my camera is being repaired, i hijacked my moms CANON G9, which, i must admit, is a wicked awesome little camera. even if it is a point and shoot. :) it has some of the best quality ive ever seen in a camera like that. ill have to steal it more often! its portable! :) but it can never replace my SLR.... :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

oh my dear! its raining!

The two water bottles of amazingness that sit next to me in my office. :) i get well hydrated after about two hours, needless to say! :)
a beautiful Tulip? in my front yard. itll probably get frozen and die with this weather...
blossoms on our russian cherry tree. its too bad it wasn't a little brighter! these baby's glow when it gets light out! :)

so, a rainy Thursday to say the least. luckilly i brought my handy dandy UMBRELLA! *triumphent Trumpet* so i was quite the dandy at school today with my lime green umbrella! i felt very gentleMANLY :) oh, and guess what happened? my camera broke. apparently the software installed had a bug, and now my camera won't take pictures unless its on auto! :( so i'm sending it back, and they'll fix it for free. :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

woot diggity dawg!

so, explination for this vid. the fluid that you see is NOT computer generated. think of it as liquid iron (which it essentially is) that has been subjected to a magnetic field. cool, no? :)

these two musicish videos are just good music edited in the flippin coolest form possible. enjoy!

hahaha so, its time for a post, no? well, because I'm special, and not good about carrying around my handy dandy camera, ill put up a couple of youtube videos that are rediculously amazing. cheers!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday. why is it called that?

Beautiful sunset I saw, coming back from work.
a clout that looks like a 7. or a boomerang. or a V. maybe a check mark?
another stone henge shot. :)

so... long time, no see, right? :) well, i hurt my shoulder recently, and it friggin kills to lug around my camera, so i havent been taking pictures. ill post some old ones up there though. :) i have a couple good ones left. :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

what the heck!? a post?!

I wasnt holding still when i took this.. but it still turned out good, no? :)
a beautiful sunrise.... after i had to go to early morning attendance school...
this was the friggin' coolest sign ever! a glimps of post apocolypse.... :)

oh my goodness. i have just posted on my blog! finally! sorry about that, guys, but I = lazy! haha, and I need to take some more pictures too. i havent been taking hardly any these last few weeks. :( well, that is about to change! i am going to liberate my poor, expensive canon from its ghetto army bag, and use it to its full extend! oorah! :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

whew, finally, a post!!

this is a really lame photo, but this was ANOTHER fire drill that happened during the week... what is this, like the third in two weeks!?
people chillin (literally) out side during the drill...
a picture from a month or so ago of a 2009 dodge challanger 6.1 liter hemi engine!!! wahH!!!! :)

hey out there! sorry for the delay in posts, I haven't been able to get photos on my computer for a while, because I'm cleaning out some old, stinky files from my computer and putting them on my backup hard drive. :) i had to store some of my pictures in there too, because they're HUGE! Ill take them on a lower quality from now on.... so, one thing i've realized over these past few days is... *drum roll please!* excerize is the bomb! :) and i need to do more of it....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Pleasant grove Banner hanging in the student center
I like the cup holder
this was at an Orchestra concert in American Fork. my camera has a really loud shutter, so i had to do a mirror lock up to make it quieter... its hard to take pictures when you cant see anything...
i spotted this really cool sunset on my way home from work.... ive never seen one without orange!
if you look close, you can see the ice melting on the lake!

wow, i am so sick of school. I vote that we should all just have implants in our brain that would teach us while we sleep. and i vote that School lunches should be banned, and turned into actual FOOD. all in favor, raise your right hand, and recite with me: "i pledge to always sleep when i need to learn. when i am not able to sleep, it is because i am eating, or playing with friends. and spring and summer should be the only existing seasons." all in favor, say "I" as well!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Woot! sunday! i skipped saturday...

haha, state street!
im pretty sure i got alot of weird looks on this one... especially right after i went to walmart and took pictures of food.... :S

hey hey hey!
so i pretty much decided i didnt want to post anything yesterday, because everytime i would sit down at the computer i had to go do something else! so i eventually just forgot about it.... but hey, i remembered now! :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

a late friday post...

so, i pretty much was busy all day yesterday, so i wasnt able to post anything, and i didn't want to have to get up to do it! :) so, here's a couple of photos i took yesterday...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I realized I want to live in a Barnhome when I own a house....
Its still really wet, even with the sun out!!
Celebrating Freedom week at a PGHS near you...
Took in the morning... it was really pretty watch the sun rise. it was alot lighter outside, but my camera decided to make a cool sillouete! oh, and check out the rays of light going through the trees!

Woot! the only things that happened today is i got to go to arby's during an assembly with my home sista Ayn, and her friend Joy. I went to work after school, and i realize that i know nothing when it comes to being smart.... :S and after work, i got to exercize with my Home sista again! woot! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Pleasant Grove radio tower. GO KPGR!!
Ten bucks if you can name the make, model and year of this vehicle. :)
Need mail, anyone?
good ol' lindon. a perfect fusion of new and old.
Trailer #74 at PGHS
this made me laugh, because someone had tagged a fridge that was going to the dump.... ( i guess it had locks on it for some reason though...
Tennis Court benches...

so, about the weather today, eh? I'm pretty sure the weather is schitzophrenic (or however you spell that) anyway, so i actually got some NOT lame photos today, for once. maybe its because i actually took time to take some? ;) yeah, so just a tip.... warm clothes in cold weather = good idea. short sleeves in cold weather = really friggin stupid idea. especially with my body type... since Im a twig. yeah, so i had to drive all the way down to spanish fork today for my P.E. class.... and If you speed at around 80 miles an hour, you get there way fast! haha, jk i didnt really do that. there were too many cops today.... :( but its all good.