Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Pleasant grove Banner hanging in the student center
I like the cup holder
this was at an Orchestra concert in American Fork. my camera has a really loud shutter, so i had to do a mirror lock up to make it quieter... its hard to take pictures when you cant see anything...
i spotted this really cool sunset on my way home from work.... ive never seen one without orange!
if you look close, you can see the ice melting on the lake!

wow, i am so sick of school. I vote that we should all just have implants in our brain that would teach us while we sleep. and i vote that School lunches should be banned, and turned into actual FOOD. all in favor, raise your right hand, and recite with me: "i pledge to always sleep when i need to learn. when i am not able to sleep, it is because i am eating, or playing with friends. and spring and summer should be the only existing seasons." all in favor, say "I" as well!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Woot! sunday! i skipped saturday...

haha, state street!
im pretty sure i got alot of weird looks on this one... especially right after i went to walmart and took pictures of food.... :S

hey hey hey!
so i pretty much decided i didnt want to post anything yesterday, because everytime i would sit down at the computer i had to go do something else! so i eventually just forgot about it.... but hey, i remembered now! :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

a late friday post...

so, i pretty much was busy all day yesterday, so i wasnt able to post anything, and i didn't want to have to get up to do it! :) so, here's a couple of photos i took yesterday...

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I realized I want to live in a Barnhome when I own a house....
Its still really wet, even with the sun out!!
Celebrating Freedom week at a PGHS near you...
Took in the morning... it was really pretty watch the sun rise. it was alot lighter outside, but my camera decided to make a cool sillouete! oh, and check out the rays of light going through the trees!

Woot! the only things that happened today is i got to go to arby's during an assembly with my home sista Ayn, and her friend Joy. I went to work after school, and i realize that i know nothing when it comes to being smart.... :S and after work, i got to exercize with my Home sista again! woot! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Pleasant Grove radio tower. GO KPGR!!
Ten bucks if you can name the make, model and year of this vehicle. :)
Need mail, anyone?
good ol' lindon. a perfect fusion of new and old.
Trailer #74 at PGHS
this made me laugh, because someone had tagged a fridge that was going to the dump.... ( i guess it had locks on it for some reason though...
Tennis Court benches...

so, about the weather today, eh? I'm pretty sure the weather is schitzophrenic (or however you spell that) anyway, so i actually got some NOT lame photos today, for once. maybe its because i actually took time to take some? ;) yeah, so just a tip.... warm clothes in cold weather = good idea. short sleeves in cold weather = really friggin stupid idea. especially with my body type... since Im a twig. yeah, so i had to drive all the way down to spanish fork today for my P.E. class.... and If you speed at around 80 miles an hour, you get there way fast! haha, jk i didnt really do that. there were too many cops today.... :( but its all good.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

what the?! i got homework done!?

woot! photoshop = da shiz!
dark, cloudy, cold, snowing, wet, and stupid weather... i wish snow wasn't so cold!
okay, i guess its pretty sometimes
it was really coming down!
that's me casting magic!

wow, so i actually got assignments done today a LONG time before they were due, other than a couple of minutes... so, that made me want to not procrastinate!... hahahahahaha, JUST KIDDING. im still going to procrastinate my head off. :) so, yeah... i pretty much am sick of the snow.... it was so ridiculously cold today! i think my eyeballs were about to shatter in my head. :S so, i vote that we all move to the caribbeans. are you all with me?! say I if you are!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Presidents day....

an unholy amount of clutter on my desk... thanks to my english paper from hell.
My lighter exploded! (and check out those creepy veins...)
Long exposure shot on my lighter flame
the desk of doom.... with added subtext to help tell the story of my clutter.

Happy presidents day, y'all! (thats right, i just said Y'ALL) :) So, for the first time in like... forever... i went running this morning! it was nice to get some blood flowage. :) after that, i had to hurry and write an english paper today... that sucked. maybe i should do these things sooner?.... nah. i also went and saw "confessions of a shopaholic" today with my friendlies. :) it was okay, just super silly and totally predictable. if you liked devil wears prada, then you'll really like this. :) i didnt get any good photos, even though it was a good day, because i was inside most of the day. :S

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday, bloody sunday! (freakin good U2 song)

Frozen water drops
broken coke bottle in the snow...
a lava lamp i got for my b-day!
a canopy of a patio.. kind of gothic architecture...
the snow looked really pretty on the mountain!

woot, sunday!!! :) sundays are the best! even though i only got like four and a half hours of sleep last night... and i threw out my back dancing last night.... (don't try and do a twist and bend backwards at the same time...) it was still great though! i had alot of meetings to go to though... I got to walk home from church for the first time in... three weeks? i usually try and walk home after church, but because of the snow storms ive been let down! :( but i got to walk home! :) and then drive back twice... well, I should probably write my english paper... later yo!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday, the day of Valentines sorcery...

this was ironic.... love and... wrestling?!
Love is in the air. and its pooping on my head.
a hose connection chillin (litteraly) in the snow
a quick panoramic of my back yard in the crazy snow!
a cool design i actually never noticed thats on my front door!

uhh..... happy valentines day? it was kindof a stressful day.... i had to clean my house, fix my car by putting in new spark plugs...(it sucks when you have to deal with a helacoil...) pick up some cookie dough and frosting from walmart for my date tonight.. (my dad helped w/ that. kudos to you papa!) and deal with the snow... :S it was still fun in the end though! :) so, after i got all this done, i went on a date with a friend of mine, kathryn. my buddy josh and his date, calyn, got w/ me and kathryn and we all made sugar cookies and watched heavy weights, and played Curses!. after that, we all went back home and got dressed into nice clothes, and went to a resturant called Sweet tomato. delish! and then we went to the Sweethearts dance at my school. so it was pretty fun! :) i got some nice pics of the snow! :)

Friday, February 13, 2009


wow, Blue skies again!! and I didnt get any good photos... :(
a cool terrace lookin thing on top of a mexican resturant
I am now an official employee of CORDA technologies! data visualization baby! :)

wow, what a day! so, I had to take a test, run to provo to get some movie tickets (which didnt work out... ) run to orem to sign for my new job at corda!! leave my old job at jiffy lube, write a note and leave a flower for my BFF for valentines, take some quick photos (which didn't turn out that good...) and go to school... all with in a couple of hours! so, i feel accomplished today! :) oh, and i hit a car... well scraped a car in the parking lot of the new university mall cinema when I was going to see CORALINE w/ my BFF!... so, that made me look smooth.... oh well, now I need to talk to my insurance agent... or something. maybe ill clean the poor blokes car off or something. :) at least the movie I saw was good, and it was better with a friend! I would definitly reccomend giving it a look, its pretty darn good! prepare to be creeped out though....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday thursday....

Panoramic of my neigborhood at night
my camera wouldn't focus, so it took a cool picture of the snow!
yeah, its all foggy...... maybe i should get a giant vacuum cleaner and suck it all up?
this is part of my back yard... i need to use my wide angle, rather than my telephoto to catch the rest

So, it actually didnt snow too much today, but it was all gray outside, so i didnt get any good pictures.... i did do a couple of panoramics for you though! :) so, i need to launch off to work, so enjoy! make sure you CLICK ON THEM to see the full effect. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Utah weather = bipolar

The moon was so pretty tonight! oh, and quick tip, when you take a picture of something this bright, on AUTO on a digital camera, it will over expose, so to make it show up, I set my camera to Tv (Time value/shutter speed). this allows you to take really fast shots, but won't allow alot of light in... i shot this at about 1/700 of a second. :)
this photo was really neat, because there was a replica of stonehenge in the middle of orem!!
Dr. pepper is better
psyched out yet? this was on a truck
I've lost my trailer!
read the sticker on the phone closely..... ;) don't use this phone if you want to sell drugs.

Whew, what a weird day! our weather here in lindon and pg is so friggin random. :) which is fine for me, so long as it stays more warm than cold. while cruizin in my toyota truck, i heard a cool song. its called "1, 2, 3, 4" by Plain white-T's. it made me happy!! so, pretty slow day today, no fires at Pleasant grove today! I did wear my Leather jacket though, which is pretty hot! both tempurature and looks. :)