Monday, February 16, 2009

Presidents day....

an unholy amount of clutter on my desk... thanks to my english paper from hell.
My lighter exploded! (and check out those creepy veins...)
Long exposure shot on my lighter flame
the desk of doom.... with added subtext to help tell the story of my clutter.

Happy presidents day, y'all! (thats right, i just said Y'ALL) :) So, for the first time in like... forever... i went running this morning! it was nice to get some blood flowage. :) after that, i had to hurry and write an english paper today... that sucked. maybe i should do these things sooner?.... nah. i also went and saw "confessions of a shopaholic" today with my friendlies. :) it was okay, just super silly and totally predictable. if you liked devil wears prada, then you'll really like this. :) i didnt get any good photos, even though it was a good day, because i was inside most of the day. :S

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