Tuesday, February 10, 2009

wow, it was really friggin cold today!

our school is so old, it has a smoke stack. wow.
the recipe for the cookies i made... like 40000 calories per cookie. (click image to zoom in)
Blue skies!
one point perspective bleachers
school evacuated for fire NOT drill... check out the clouds though.
PG vikings still had fun though
The fire department came too... can you say... OVERREACTION?

holy apple sauce! it was so bloody cold today! (pardon my british) my thumbs were about to fall off taking pictures out side! :S and then we had to go outside for a fire drill during school... oh, but it wasn't a fire drill, sorry. it was a real fire!!! ahh!! haha, not... someone decided to smoke a crack pipe in our school... just joking! :) there wasnt really a fire though. luckilly i had my handy dandy blanket on me!! and i wore long johns! :)
oh, some friends of mine were wondering about how many photos I take a day, and I usually take two or three of the same thing, so all together, in one day, i take about... fifty photos? yeah, thats about right. i end up deleting about 55 percent of them though because i cant hold my camera still. :) i only get about 5 or six really good ones out of those fifty....


  1. Hey, thanks for the cookie recipe, BUT I didn't need to know the calorie count. I love the smoke stack--sooo retrooo.

  2. Jacob, you didn't have choco chips in the cookies. Was it toffee chips? What was it? It was good.

  3. haha, yeah, i ran out of chocolate chips, so i chucked some heath bar bits in there. it was the closest thing i could grab!
