Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday, bloody sunday! (freakin good U2 song)

Frozen water drops
broken coke bottle in the snow...
a lava lamp i got for my b-day!
a canopy of a patio.. kind of gothic architecture...
the snow looked really pretty on the mountain!

woot, sunday!!! :) sundays are the best! even though i only got like four and a half hours of sleep last night... and i threw out my back dancing last night.... (don't try and do a twist and bend backwards at the same time...) it was still great though! i had alot of meetings to go to though... I got to walk home from church for the first time in... three weeks? i usually try and walk home after church, but because of the snow storms ive been let down! :( but i got to walk home! :) and then drive back twice... well, I should probably write my english paper... later yo!

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